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our manual, our guides
and tools

A manual dedicated to teachers and educators to easily implement theatrical techniques in STEAM teaching, thanks to 5 toolkits, assembling framing resources, advice and examples of implementation

Preschool Science Class

Toolkit 1 

Implementing a playful STEAM approach

1.1 The challenges of STEAM education

1.2 The Benefits of Playful


1.3 Key Competencies of the 21st Century

Toolkit 2 

Discover theatrical techniques and approaches

2.1 Incorporating Theatre in STEAM Teaching

2.2 Techniques from the Theatre World used in Mimesis

Toolkit 3 

Understanding and using Mimesis activities

3.1 Introduction to Mimesis activities

3.2 Create a pedagogical sequence

Access our activity sheets for teachers

Toolkit 4

Implementing Mimesis in a variety of contexts

4.1 Practical Guidelines - Q&A

4.2 Mimesis in Different Learning Environments

4.3 Mimesis



Toolkit 5

Create scripts and scenarios with Mimesis

5.1 Guidelines for Script


Contact us

A project coordinated by the LAB:

IUT Aix en Provence
413 av. Gaston berger
13100 Aix en Provence

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EN Co-Funded by the EU_WHITE.png

The Mimesis project has received funding from the Erasmus+ program of the European Union. This publication reflects the views only of its author and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information it contains. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

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